Dear Parents,
You, the parents are the real educators of your children. The school is just a helper, playing a secondary role in the matter. Your personal interest encourages your child to perform better and thus helps to improve the overall progress and discipline of the entire school. You are, therefore expected to co-operate with the school authorities in all school activities.
We wish to inculcate in the mind of the child the important values of love, service, peace, universal brotherhood etc. as our monogram clearly indicates. We aim at a value-based thrust, “Life based on values”. Let’s be accountable to the gift of God, our institution, study plan, and student’s Hand Book.
The value-based education is a process of growth: to be exact a four fold growth. They are social, cultural, environmental and religious growth.
1. Social Growth:
Social growth takes place by learning to relate to each other responsibly and with maturity.That is:
- Education of love
- Education of peace
- Education of sharing
- Education of caring
- Education of democracy
- Education of freedom
- Education of social justice
2. Cultural Growth:
Cultural growth takes place when the cultural legacy is preserved, purified, renovated and transmitted to posterity. This takes place through-
- Education to love one’s culture
- Education to respect another’s culture
- Education to understand another’s culture
- Education to find out the values in another’s culture
- Education to share cultural values with another
- Education to create value based cultural customs
3. Environmental Growth:
Environmental growth will take place only when we realize that we too become part of the environment. We are not an entity outside the environment. Preserving the environment is equal to preserving our own lives. To achieve this, the following is a must.
- Education to know the surroundings
- Education to learn and respect the flora and fauna of the locality
- Education to preserve and enrich the environment.
4. Religious Growth:
Religion shows the path traced out by God-filled men and women to reach God. Religion or dharma is a devout expression of a group of people following a “guru” to achieve Comic Consciousness. To achieve this following is needed.
- Education to respect all religion
- Education to faith in Creator who cares for all
- Education to realize that we are all God’s children
- Education to praise and thank the creator in all vicissitudes of life
Hence, we, the staff and management of Mount Carmel School, Akola strongly recommend the above four-fold growth of your child. A timely preparation, planning and implementation of the thrust ” Life based on Values” is the need of the hour. We, therefore look forward to your continuous co-operation.
I remain.
Dr. Fr. Joselin