Admissions to Nursery – 2024-2025
Due to large number of parents seeking admission for their children in our school, the Management is unable to give admission to all the applicants.
All the Admission Procedure will take place ONLINE.
1. The Catholics will be given the Prospectus on Friday & Saturday, 15th & 16th March 2024, from 9.00 to 9.30 a.m. only.
2. The Siblings : i.e. The Real Brothers and Sisters of students studying in Mount Carmel School, Akola in the year 2024 – 25 will be given the PREFERENCE. They will be given the Application Form ONLINE in the School Website : ( on Monday, 11th March 2024. They will have to complete the Application procedure before 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 13th March 2024.
Please Note : There is no guarantee that all the real Brothers and sisters who take part in the Online Admission Procedure will get the admission. If the applications for siblings admission exceed the number of seats available, there will be selection on several grounds like the performance of the real brother/sister in the school, involvement of parents in the education of students, Payment of School Fees on time etc. The selection will be done by the school management.
No cousins or relatives will be considered in Siblings Admission Process.
3. Open Category Admissions : For the remaining limited vacancies in the Nursery Class, Application Form will be available ONLINE from Thursday, 14th March to Wednesday 10th of April 2024 till 5.00 p.m. only.
You will be informed if you are SELECTED through SMS
If Selected : Procedure for Admission :
Siblings Admission:-
Please contact the school office on Thursday 25/04/2024. Child along with the parents should be physically present with the following documents:-
- Original Birth Certificate.
- Aadhar card of the Child.
- Siblings Bonafide Certificate or ID Card or Report Card
- Fee Slip of Sibling
Open Category Admission:-
Please contact the school office on Friday 26/04/2024. Child along with the parents should be physically present with the following documents:-
- Original Birth Certificate.
- Aadhar card of the Child.
Produce all these to the School Office to be Scrutinized by Clerk.
Both the parents along with the child meet the Principal and obtain his Signature.
Submission of the Admission Form to School office on time.
Only then Admission of your child in the Nursery will be guaranteed.
Last Date for Admission : Will be informed
Age Limit
The child should be 3 years old by 31st of December 2024.
Date of Birth should be between 01. 01. 2021 and 31. 12. 2021.
(1) Admission procedure takes place only for the Nursery Classes.
(2) Only one Application per child.
(3) Only the Parents, along with their own child will approach the school for admission.
(4) Any change in the name of the student, the parents or of the data in the documents will amount to cancellation of the selection.
(5) Admissions in Mount Carmel School, Akola is given only by the Principal of the school. Nobody else should be approached for admission in this school.
Any body else promising admission in this school and asking for money is a cheat. Any such attempt should be immediately informed to the school authority or report it to the Police.
All the Fees to be paid one time in the Bank at the time of Admission.
Please Note : Fees once paid will not be Re-funded for any reason.
Requirements :
(1) Two passport size colour Photographs of the child and a family Photo.
(2) Full payment of Fees at the Bank.
(3) Submission of duly filled Admission Form along with Original Birth Certificate of the Child, Identity Card Form, Photo copy of the Aadhar Card of the child’s father as well as child’s Aadhar Card if available, and Photo Copy of the Fees paid details to the School Office.
School Timing for State Board Nursery 2024-25
9.00 a.m. to 12. 30 p.m.
Pre-Primary School Re-opening : You Will be Informed on Time.